Business Intelligence Management
The Business Intelligence module aims to support the top management of the casino into correct decision making based on a multidimensional analysis of business data.
The module exploits state of the art information technologies to support Business Intelligence functionality in an integrated casino operation. The infrastructure (Data Warehouse, Data Marts) allows obtaining data from all other modules of Logismos CMS application, Data Cleansing, Data Integration and Data Transformation to useful business information. Information which can be analyzed in many different levels of detail and draw useful conclusions which will lead the casino into obtaining desirable and valuable knowledge, which forms the basis for sound and timely decisions.
In developing the Business Intelligence module particular attention has been given to three factors which will influence the successful use of the module by users (top managers, casino owners):
a. Response speed during the processing of considerable amount of data.
b. User friendly graphic work environment which will not require considerable time for users’ training.
c. Integration with office applications (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Outlook).
The Business Intelligence module communicates and receives data from all other modules of Logismos CMS application, which will be used in business decision making process.
More analytically, functions supported by the Business Intelligence module include:
• Capability for the systems manager to create data cubes by selecting the desired dimensions (i.e. casino, table type, game type, minimum bet, player’s sheet, player’s country of origin, etc), desired levels by dimension (i.e. year, quarter, month, day, hour) and desired values (i.e. amount of bet, number of games played, number of customers, number of customers in barring status, etc).
• Capability for data processing either through pre-designated reports or ad hoc queries.
• Capability to create new calculation values by use of complex functions (mathematical, statistical, logical, etc) in existing values.
• “Save” capability of specific reports which are frequently used so that there is no need to create them again and again.
• Capability to create a plan assigning users access rights either on reports level or on data cubes level (as an
example, one user can see all data concerning customers while another user is not allowed to see data concerning customers bets).
• Capability to display data :
o In the form of table (Excel type),
o In the form of graphics (bars, pies, etc),
o In the form of geographical display (i.e. data display on map with different color indication, depending on the number of customers by country or region of origin)
o In the form of diagram created by the system manager (i.e. casino plan on which tables are displayed with different color indication depending on the playing result of each table)
• Synchronization capability between 4 different data display methods, that is by changing something in a graphic display, this change is automatically transferred to the other 3 display methods (table, map, diagram).
• Capability to calculate and present trends allowing selection of calculation method (linear, exponential, polynomial, logarithmic, moving average).
• Capability to collect and use data from third party systems (i.e. hotel applications, retail applications) and unify in an integrated Management Information System.
• Capability of designing reports by use of Excel, giving the user the power to have access to multidimensional data structures supported by the module. Combination of data from various data sources (i.e. Member Management, Player Tracking, Table Management, external catering application) for the creation of Key Performance Indicator (KPI), as an example average bet contribution per customer on slot and on tables per day.